With the "sand control" weapon in hand, Henan people walked into the Gobi Desert - Tengger Desert grew "watermelon, corn, sand date tree" to "swim" freshwater fish in the sand sea

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No one has ever thought that people in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, who do not rely on the sea or the desert, rely on excellent technological innovation to open up land that can grow watermelon, jujube trees and corn in Tengger Desert, the fourth largest desert in China; Also attracted a curved spring on the beach, the freshwater fish carp home "Ann" in the desert.

(1) From "waterproofing" to "desert planting", take an unusual road

Who has so much power? In Tengger desert to do planting and breeding people called Wang Fuzhou, the real Zhengzhou street people.

Witnessing the shortcomings caused by the unreliable construction waterproof technology in China, more than heartache, Wang Fuzhou determined to change this phenomenon. After several years of hard work and study and research and development, he has become an expert in water disaster management in the industry, and has been employed by the world's top 500 European and American companies as senior technical consulting experts. He also led the team to create and develop the unique "redundant internal waterproof technology, smart concrete P30 technology, soil rock technology, roof farm technology, pipeline repair technology, comprehensive utilization of waste technology, sponge city technology, Marine concrete technology" and other eight core technologies.

(2) To the vast sea of sand, point "sand" into gold

February 2023, after careful investigation, Wang Fuzhou led the team to the Tengger Desert, found the local government departments, explained the purpose of coming, the other party reported to the superior for consent, the name of the "Zheng Sai Tengger desert test base" was born, Zheng Sai people also camped in the vast desert, the heat up.

The Tengger Desert spans Gansu, Ningxia and Inner Mongolia and is known as the "fourth largest desert" in China. It crosses the Great Wall in the south, reaches Helan Mountain in the east, and Yabulai Mountain in the west, covering an area of about 30,000 square kilometers, with an altitude of 1200 to 1400 meters in the desert.

Zhengsai Company to carry out desert experiment cooperation base, involving about 20 acres of desert, investors, experimenters to Zhengsai company.

Can you really grow watermelons and desert roses in the desert?

It sounds a bit like a childhood "fairy tale" : one day, a beautiful little girl had a dream, in the dream, the desert suddenly grew sweet watermelon, but also beautiful roses...

However, the "story" in this fairy tale is that Zheng Sai people forcibly turned into reality

At the end of June, in the summer of the Tengger Desert, in addition to the endless golden sand dunes, the most eye-catching thing is the various green cash crops thriving in the test base, a green, from a distance, like a piece of jasper inlaid in the sand sea.

Look, the watermelon seedlings planted in May, only more than a month, the green melon has produced watermelon of different sizes.

Yong Hongbo, who is in charge of the project, said the plants were planted in May, mainly for late ripening melons to avoid sandstorms. Talking about the story of the team planting melons and vegetables in the desert, he opened his mouth with enthusiasm

The planting project started on April 2023, the first difficulty encountered is the desert wind: the base is in the desert tuyere belt, in April often 6, 7 strong winds hit, the day before the smooth site, a strong wind blew, the ground formed sandbags and pits, more serious will form sand beams. On April 19, knowing from the weather forecast that it was sandstorm weather, the team still went to the site to do the protection work of equipment and materials, so as to avoid the equipment being blown down and the materials being blown away. On one occasion, their large water storage tank was really blown tens of meters away into the sand ditch, so they were really shocked by the strong wind in the desert.

However, the manic sandstorm will also be overpowered by the stubborn Zheng Sairen: They first equipped the staff with dust and sunscreen headsets, anti-sand glasses and other protective equipment; The second is to strengthen the patrol of the equipment, the sand that is hollowed out by the strong wind is filled in time, and the equipment is not dumped. The most important thing is to build iron posts and wire around the fields, and install wind and sand nets to reduce wind speed and prevent sand from being blown into the fields. In the face of the characteristics that watermelon seedlings in desert soil are easy to lack water and not easy to take root, they take countermeasures such as timely replanting of watermelon seedlings, supplementing root and fertilizing water. Faced with the embarrassment that alfalfa seedlings planted in the sack squares were eaten by hares and yellow sheep, they pulled the protective net and replanted alfalfa again in time. In addition, in order to pollinate the watermelon, the team suddenly found someone to pull a box of bees, so that you can kill two birds with one stone: when the honey is collected, the watermelon solves the pollination problem.

After several rounds, the team slowly touched the temper of the desert, and gradually mastered the method of dealing with it, because the desert is full of sunshine, and the water supply is guaranteed, the watermelon is almost the same every day; Corn is also a swish up, has grown to a waist deep height, but see the roots developed, thick branches. Only for the autumn harvest, people break corn on the cob in the green curtain.

In addition, the test field also planted a variety of cash crops, corn, potato, alfalfa, peanuts, ryegrass, desert rose, jujube tree, etc. The seeds planted in April have now grown well. The purpose of Zhengsai people is that once the experiment is successful, the planting area can be expanded, which can better serve the local economic construction, so that more people can get rich as soon as possible and live a good life. What is more amazing is that the "artificial lake" originally watered for the drought of crops was also opened up by Zheng Sai people as a "fishing ground" for carp, but see the fish in the lake a foot long in the water, back and forth, at that time, those who come to taste the desert watermelon visitors can also taste the authentic desert carp!

Talking about the origin of the company's establishment of the "Zhengsai Tengger desert test base" in the desert, Yong Hongbo unveiled the mystery: three years ago, the chairman of the board of directors Wang Fuzhou saw someone carrying out the roof experimental agriculture project, inspired by this, he decided to show his skills in the desert. Due to the epidemic, this has been delayed until February 2023.

This confidence of Wang Fuzhou is not whimsical, but deeply rooted in his thinking and practice of system engineering such as water retention and waterproof for more than ten years. To enter the desert, first, it is related to water, to lock the water, not to let the water run away, so that the seeds can grow; Related to the soil, Zhengsai's soil sac diagenesis technology, that is, can make the soil breathable and can not permeate water, keep the soil moisture, and the crops can ensure a good harvest... Although the use of the scene is different, but the road is simple, the essence is the same.

Experiments have proved that the reason why cash crops like watermelon, including corn, can grow so well in the desert is undoubtedly the credit of Zhengsai people's mixed "hard core" technology.

In order to "lock" the water under the sand, the Zheng people made water retention layers and carbon pits about 80 centimeters below the desert, so as to ensure that there was enough water to "drink" when the corn was heading. In order to reduce the damage of desert winds to crops, they changed the "hard windbreak net" to "soft windbreak net", and they also invited teachers with more than ten years of planting experience to guide them. After the operation of a test base, Zheng Sai's land diagenesis technology has been used successively, and a variety of core technologies such as water retaining agent, anti-seepage agent and organic agent have been exerted simultaneously, and finally the sand has become an organic land that can grow various fruits and crops. There is a lot of expertise here: it encompasses engineering, agronomy, soil science and so on. It is understood that this "mixed technology" developed by the team led by Wang Fuzhou is currently the world's leading and the only advanced desert crop cultivation technology in China. This technology mainly uses the collected rain and snow water, does not exploit groundwater as much as possible, conforms to the law of nature, and saves 70% of the amount of artificial water replenishment compared with the conventional drip irrigation technology, so as to truly realize the harmonious symbiosis between man and nature.

The start of everything, no matter how far they go, looking back, or from the original mission of a person, a team

Zheng Sai's culture is exactly what Wang Fuzhou locked when he started his business: let the Yellow River become peaceful, let the desert become oasis, let the mine become green, let the roof become a farm, let the mountain not landslide, let the city not leak, let the road not collapse, let the life better; What a stunning statement!

Among them, the spectacular picture of "turning the desert into an oasis" has slowly unfolded, making the Tengger Desert, which was originally "vast desert across the world, depressed and desolate", truly become "the town of Jiangnan and fish and rice"!

Looking forward to the arrival of this day!